10 years younger Collagenwave® treatments

Jul 30, 2021

In the past two series of Channel 5 production '1o years younger' the Collagenwave® has been a regularly seen as one of the go to treatments in order to help with improve client skin condition.

10 years younger Collagenwave® treatments

In the past two series of Channel 5 production '1o years younger' the Collagenwave® has been a regularly seen as one of the go to treatments in order to help with improve client skin condition. All the clients involved in the show were treated to a range of treatments in order to improve their overall appearance in a short space of time.Non invasive treatments like the Collagenwave® are extremely popular right now due to there being no downtime , the non invasive can be used as a pre event treatment to rejuvenate skin or as part of a healthy skin regime combined with other treatments and a skin home care regime.

For finding the nearest certified Collagenwave® clinic, click the button below. If you're interested in incorporating the Collagenwave® treatment into your skin clinic, register your interest. Join us in expanding its availability in high-demand areas across the United Kingdom.