It is impossible to stop ageing since it is a natural process. However, that does not mean you cannot slow it down. From having a good night’s rest to simple skin treatment, there are several healthy habits that can help you slow down ageing. Keep reading to know which ones they are. Below are some tips to help slow down ageing naturally in conjunction with regular skin tightening treatments:
This includes cleansing your skin, taking off makeup, and using serum, toner, and, of course, moisturizer. Taking off makeup is highly recommended because it helps unclog pores. This, in turn, keeps your skin in healthy condition. Additionally, you should make sure you get eight hours every night. That is because the skin heals itself during this time.
As your skin ages, it will start to lose natural oils and eventually get drier as time goes by. With that said, you should consider hydrating it regularly. This helps get rid of a papery and stretchy feeling. Well, when hydrating your skin, be sure to use water-binding agents such as petroleum jelly, hyaluronic acid, and glycerine. They help keep the skin moisturized and smooth to the touch.
It is impossible to talk about healthy anti-ageing habits without mentioning exercise. When done correctly, exercise can make your skin look younger by at least 10 years. It achieves that by increasing blood flow and flushing the skin with oxygen. Exercise is also associated with a magic protein referred to as IL-15. This protein is responsible for making the skin appear way younger than it actually is.
Older skin not only lacks natural suppleness but also cannot replenish itself naturally. That is why you should consider exfoliation. Exfoliation offers a nice way to get rid of dead skin cells. Ideally, it is recommended that you use a gentle exfoliator to prevent your skin from looking rough and uneven.
Eating skin foods that offer protection against UV rays is as important as using external sun cream. Such foods as tomatoes and dark chocolate are highly recommended because they contain antioxidants that protect against sunburn. Antioxidants also minimize the risk of skin cancer.While you may not stop ageing, you can slow it down. And what’s even better, you can do this naturally.
That being said, combine the above tips with a skin-tightening device, and your skin will be smooth, supple, and, above all, younger than it really is.